Omaha - Fitness Classes Deals
Kickboxing classes combine boxing & martial arts to help to tone & trim physiques & one-on-one training helps to refine style & results
Cardio and weightlifting equipment at 150 workout stations complement aerobics, yoga classes, and outdoor boot camps
One-hour classes combine cardio, strength training & dance for total-body workout set to current music hits
Expert instructors lead floor-based classes that build flexibility, strength, and balance with deep stretches and Pilates-style isometrics.
Cardio & weightlifting equipment at 150 workout stations bolster cycling, aerobics & yoga classes & training sessions with 2–12 pupils
Trainers address super trio of fitness with weightlifting BodySculpt, limb-stretching Pilates/Yoga & cardio-fueled Boot Camp & Zumba
150+ workout stations hum with clinking weights & whirring treadmills as group fitness studios host 22 classes for all abilities
Energetic instructors help students kick-start fitness with fast-paced Zumba & intensive boot-camp classes set to invigorating music