Sacramento Deals

After 30-minute ground briefing, skydivers ascend to at least 10,000 ft. & jump while strapped to pros, reaching speeds of up to 120 mph

Campfires flicker as groups pop tents along shoreline and launch boats into Trinity or Shasta's fresh mountain waters

Treadmills, elliptical machines, cycles, and free weights in gym with high-def TVs and 24-hour access

Home-brewing kit quick starts batches of ales, lagers & stouts with premium hops, yeasts & grains, as well as easy recipes

Prescreened dentists administer cleanings and assess oral health with emphasis on patient-dentist communication

Insured technicians use eco-friendly products to clean screens and restore streak-free transparency to windows

Stylists bond up to 100 pieces of hand-selected human hair to existing tresses for a fuller, more voluminous look

Annual pop-music festival features radio and TV superstars Demi Lovato, Adam Lambert, Karmin, and electropop band Owl City

Signature rolls include the Spicy Bomb with smoked salmon, cream cheese, and chili sauce

Energy-efficient and eco-friendly process dry-cleans blazers, skirts, pants, and other garments