San Antonio - Health & Fitness Deals

Therapists versed in traditional Chinese techniques manipulate pressure points on the feet to align the body's energy pathways

Light skin resurfacing helps improve texture, fade wrinkles, and lessen sun spots, with up to four days of downtime

Consultation with body-composition analysis, vitamin B12 injections, and whole-body vibration sessions help kick-start weight-loss efforts

Instructors lead groups through core-strengthening, feminine workouts set to Eastern music and the jingling of coin-belt-clad hips

Laser light targets and breaks up unwanted pigments for absorption by the body

Supportive, motivating instructors encourage full-body results in variety of yoga and boot-camp classes, plus success and nutrition program

Technicians use the CoolGlide laser’s intense pulsed light to limit unwanted hair growth on all skin types

Slim electric toothbrush with built-in timer and two brushing modes

Instructors lead groups through entertaining dance fitness classes while dressed in saris, coin sashes, or heels

All-in-one home unit lets users easily transition between more than 80 simple and advanced exercises