Tampa Bay Area - Health & Fitness Deals

Staffed by personal trainers & strength coaches, store features nutritional supplements designed to control weight & boost metabolism

Massage therapists use kneading and compression to increase the motion of soft tissue; exam and x-rays reveal spinal issues

Swing- & putting-analysis sessions use JC Video & Tomi technologies to capture technique so instructor can diagnose poor tendencies.

Licensed Zumba instructors lead choreographed workouts of Latin dance moves set to thumping beats

Injection damages veins from inside so that they become scar tissue and fade; lasers promote breakdown so that body can absorb them

Acupuncturist relieves anxiety, insomnia, and pain by using thin needles to stimulate nerve points within the body

Deep-tissue massage delves down into the muscles to untie tight knots and release tension

Personal trainers backed by degrees in exercise science head group classes on functional fitness and yoga as well as private sessions

Lasers target nail infections in 20- to 30-minute sessions with no downtime

Consultation with an exam and electro-meridian test precedes personalized acupuncture treatments