Personal Trainers

Nationwide staff of accredited instructors leads personalized lessons catered to long and short game of each client

Instructors lead fitness sessions that strengthen muscles and endurance in the sun of Ohio Street Beach

High-intensity CrossFit classes sling squats, pull-ups, jumps, and bursts of cardio to quickly whittle and tone bodies into shape

Instructors share the secrets to conquering the Austin half-marathon in February, sessions emphasize goals and running techniques

On a spacious lawn, certified trainers lead students of all fitness levels through bodyweight exercises such as burpees and squats

Test-drive a motivational fitness program developed by the founder of Adventure Boot Camp and filled with intense 55-minute group workouts

Trainers guide group training sessions as members follow designated circuits; sessions focus on varied training techniques

Workout plans include one month of unlimited personal training and nutrition instruction; tanning and massages complete wellness experience

Instructors lead students through high-intensity exercises and drills to tone muscle, improve endurance, and slim physiques

Trainers guide group training sessions as members follow designated circuits; sessions focus on varied training techniques